Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Chilliwack Market Continues To Grow

Jim Schroeder, local realtor and a valued part of the Harmony Mortgage Group Network of local professionals creates and shares his monthly market analysis with us.  Valuable and insightful information from one of Chilliwack’s top realtors, Jim has given us permission to  share it with you as well. 

“All segments of the Chilliwack market continues to move along very well. Elections tend to slow real estate markets in the past – but not this one. When one looks back historically (see the attached) the Chilliwack market has grown incredibly.”

“Today’s Chilliwack population is just under 100,000. When one adds the shopping area its well over 100,000. One of the very good signs for the future is that Chilliwack, I understand,  is one of only three school districts in BC that consistently grows. Today is good and the future is even gooder.”

This is great information and we are privileged to have Jim share this with us and our clients.  Thank you Jim for putting this together and sharing it with us.  - Harmony Mortgage Group. Chilliwack.


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